Jubilee 2025 Activity patch now available.
Catholic Committee on Scouting, Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Scouting is youth ministry!

Unit Award: Pope Paul VI Catholic Quality Unit Award

This award is presented to units that demonstrate that they are providing a quality program in the following area (adult training and leadership, service by the unit, religious emblems, religious activities, vocation awareness, relationships and membership).

Cooperation, development, and program are the key words in the recognition of Catholic chartered units in earning the National Catholic Quality Unit Award - Pope Paul VI. The adult leadership responds to training not only in Scouting, but training in Catholic Scouter Development, and religious counseling. The Scouts in each unit respond by participating in the religious emblems program respective of their status in Scouting.


  • The unit must be chartered by a Catholic institution.
  • The award criteria must be completed over one calendar year.

Completion of the Award

  • Complete the award application and send it to CCSALA
  • CCSALA will review the application to determine if the unit meets the criteria for this award.

Once your unit gets notice of approval, the unit leader can then order patches, banners, and certificates from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting's Online Store.

Useful links (to NCCS)