Jubilee 2025 Activity patch now available.
Catholic Committee on Scouting, Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Scouting is youth ministry!

Training: Virtus


VIRTUS training is required for all BSA and GSUSA adults associated with Catholic sponsored units. Previously, BSA or GSUSA Youth Protection Training was accepted as a substitute for the VIRTUS training for the Los Angeles Archdiocese scouting leaders. While the BSA and GSUSA training is considered to be excellent, VIRTUS training is also required IMMEDIATELY.

For the VIRTUS "Protecting God's Children for Adults" training schedule, visit https://www.virtusonline.org/virtus/ (external link).

Live Scan Fingerprinting

Reminder: All adults that work with youth involved in Catholic sponsored scouting activities are required to be "LiveScan" fingerprinted!

Be Prepared!